
Thank you so much for a fantastic weekend of GNM, it was a brilliant idea to conduct it online and it exceeded all my expectations. I knew it was going to be great but it was even better than that. It was clear, comprehensive, well structured, professionally done and your knowledge of physiology and disease processes was both impressive and inspiring.
Until I can meet you in Canada, doing the webinars is the next best thing, and now I can appreciate that the ground-breaking work of Dr. Hamer is in excellent hands having seen you teach the material. I will continue to keep studying and I hope that I will one day be a suitable candidate for the Practitioner’s Workshop.

Dean R - Sydney, Australia

We just finished the webinar and it was outstanding! As you know, this was a repeat of Level IV for me.  I definitely benefitted from hearing both the familiar material, as well as the new material you introduced. I made connections I hadn’t made before and the way you organized it helped me to integrate the various levels and organs more coherently.
Thank you so very much for all the effort you put into such a polished delivery, for your generosity with sharing personal insights as well as many fascinating clinical observations.  Please put me on the list for the Practitioner’s workshop, and keep me posted on all GNM advances!


Gay B. T - Rhode Island, NY