Lymes Disease or Syndrome?

Lymes disease is a hot issue in both traditional and alternative medicine. Until recently it was not even considered to be a “disease”.

Like all other so called “infections” the entire topic is highly misunderstood. First we have to appreciate Dr. Hamer’s discovery of the Fourth Biological Law, “The Ontogenetic System of Microbes” where he discovered that all microbes known to man have a biological meaning and a purpose. In fact, they have a “symbiotic” relationship with all life forms.  In other words, they serve a purpose in what we call the “disease process”. It doesn’t matter what kind of microbe we are talking about, whatever they are, they only “take hold” under specific conditions.

First and foremost, the discovery of the Fourth Biological Law tells us that we do not develop ANY kind of disease involving microbes, until we are in the resolution phase, also known as the healing phase in the GNM. That means that any so called “infection” is actually part of our body’s way of healing.

Elisa test

The first time I heard about Lymes disease was about 30 years ago and of course it was all speculation and conventional medicine wanted nothing to do with it, just like Dr. Hamer’s discovery of the Five Biological Laws. However, things have changed at least where Lymes is accepted as a disease and now we hear that practically everyone with a broad range of symptoms is being diagnosed as having been infected with this specific bacteria as a result of having been bitten by a deer tick, even though they admit that the testing methods are inconclusive and unreliable.

As a matter of fact, the testing most often used to diagnose Lymes disease is called the “Elisa test”, the same test to diagnose someone with HIV, which is actually an allergy test! It has nothing to do with finding a bacteria in the patient’s blood stream or in any open wound.

Conventional belief

The conventional belief is that a person becomes infected with a specific Spirochete which is a bacteria known as “Borrelia” and that the immune system as a result begins to attack “self” causing a barrage of symptoms beginning with “flu like” symptoms, along with skin rashes, painful swollen joints, toe fungus, mouth ulcers, mouth fungus, yeast infections, memory loss, brain fog, food allergies and the list goes on and on.

It is even claimed that it is sexually transmittable so now you don’t even need to be bitten by a deer tick to have Lymes disease! It seems that practically everyone that has these symptoms that become chronic and resistant to any kind of treatment falls into the category of Lymes. The problem is that not everyone has the same symptoms!

So what does GNM say about Lymes?

First and foremost, when we look at the symptoms a so called Lymes patient presents, we interpret them as “healing phases”. By healing phase, we mean that the person has resolved a conflict and the body has gone into repair. Yes, repair! If the symptoms don’t run their course within 6 to 8 weeks, then the person has relapsed and they go into a “hanging healing” which is interpreted as a chronic condition. The cause or the temporary relapses could be as a result of a “reminder” or trigger” which in GNM is called a “track”. These tracks affect the subconscious mind (our memory bank) and open the old wound that was caused by the conflict shock (DHS) and prevent us from completely resolving the issue physically and emotionally where we are symptom free. Please refer to my previous blog on “Tracks that trigger” to understand this concept.

No hope in ever recovering?

I have worked with Lymes patients over the years, and I have to say, what they are presented with by their health care practitioner gives little or no hope in ever recovering. I’ve observed in patients that have had a diagnosis of Lymes disease, that their symptoms increase AFTER their diagnosis and their health declines the same way a person with a diagnosis of HIV or cancer declines when they are diagnosed. In other words, they go into “survival mode” and all their symptoms which are healing phase symptoms are compromised because their system goes into fluid retention as a result of this survival mechanism. When this happens we develop more pain and swelling, not to mention that the healing phase is prolonged.

Some patients are also led to believe that they will eventually die horribly with great suffering if they don’t gain control over this so called infection. It’s a bleak prognosis which is all based on speculation and lack of knowledge and understanding of how the body really works and why the individual has those specific symptoms.

In my next blog, I will break down the most common so called Lymes disease symptoms and explain them within the framework of Dr. Hamer’s discovery.

Symptoms of Lymes, they’re all in your head!

In the GNM, regardless of what is called a disease or syndrome, we begin by breaking down lymes disease symptoms into categories. First and foremost, we look to the specific kind of tissue and the part of the brain that controls it to try to understand if the symptom or symptoms we are experiencing occur during the conflict active phase or if they occur when the conflict is resolved. In other words is the body trying to heal or is it expressing an active conflict?

Where Lymes disease symptoms are concerned they are primarily healing phase symptoms which are mostly inflammatory in nature. Some people have other symptoms accompanying the inflammation their bodies are experiencing.  Sometimes, other symptoms appear AFTER the person is diagnosed with the disease which is easily explained within the context of GNM.

Tick bite

Let’s begin with the tick bite itself. The first indication that a person has been bitten by a tick is a red circular swelling much like a target ring. From there it is hypothesized that they will develop Lymes disease either immediately or years down the line. That in itself is nonsense. The only reaction a person will ever get as a result of the bite is at that very moment and here we experience the circular swelling much like a mosquito bite.

When the person goes into high alert over this bite, they are advised to immediately run to the doctor and are given a course of antibiotics to “avert” a bacterial infection not indigenous to humans as a result of the bite. I’ve worked with Lymes sufferers and most had antibiotics which did not prevent the so called “onset of their symptoms”. In fact it didn’t matter what they took, they still had the symptoms.

From the Mayo Clinic website about Lymes disease:

Early signs and  lymes disease symptoms

A small, red bump often appears at the site of a tick bite or tick removal and resolves over a few days. This is normal after a tick bite and does not indicate Lyme disease.

However, these signs and symptoms may occur within a month after you’ve been infected:

  • Rash. From 3 to 30 days after an infected tick bite, an expanding red area might appear that sometimes clears in the center, forming a bull’s-eye pattern. The rash (erythema migrans) expands slowly over days and can spread to 12 inches (30 centimeters) across. It is typically not itchy or painful.

Erythema migrans is one of the hallmarks of Lyme disease. Some people develop this rash at more than one place on their bodies.

From Wikipedia

“Erythema chronicum migrans (New Latin, literally, “chronic migrating redness”) refers to the rash often (though not always) seen in the early stage of Lyme disease it can appear anywhere from one day to one month after a tick bite. This rash does not represent an allergic reaction to the bite, but rather an actual skin infection with the Lyme bacteria, “Borrelia burgdorferisensu lato”.

Skin conditions in the GNM

A skin condition in the target ring configuration is caused by a DHS affecting either the epidermis with an itchy rash or the dermis with a fungal or bacterial infection on the location of the body that is relevant to the nature of the DHS. An epidermis skin reaction is the result of a separation conflict. There are no bacteria involved.  A dermis reaction is the result of a dirtiness conflict. In this case, a person could have a fungal infection known as “ringworm” or a pustule with swelling involving bacteria. All these skin conditions can appear like a target ring or ‘bull’s eye” when they manifest and will only develop when we are in a healing phase.

  • Flu-like symptoms. Fever, chills, fatigue, body aches and a headache may accompany the rash.

Flu symptoms in the GNM

Flu symptoms arise from the cerebral cortex and once again they involve a healing phase. All of these symptoms such as chills, fatigue, aches, fever and headaches come from this part of the brain, where in a healing phase there is no identifiable microbial activity. Please refer to my blog on “Cooties” for more information.

Later signs and symptoms

If untreated, new signs and symptoms of Lyme infection might appear in the following weeks to months. These include:

  • Erythema migrans appearing in other areas of your body.
  • Joint pain. Bouts of severe joint pain and swelling are especially likely to affect your knees, but the pain can shift from one joint to another.

Inflammatory symptoms in the GNM

All inflammatory symptoms are healing phases. The joints, muscles and connective tissue are no exception. When we resolve a conflict of self-devaluation or experience an unworthiness conflict, the inflammatory process begins. This shouldn’t last more than 6 to 8 weeks to run its course. If the inflammation is prolonged, then the condition is diagnosed a chronic which in GNM terms means it is in “hanging healing”. A recurring skin rash indicates relapses back into either a separation or dirtiness conflict.

  • Neurological problems. Weeks, months or even years after infection, you might develop inflammation of the membranes surrounding your brain (meningitis), temporary paralysis of one side of your face (Bell’s palsy), numbness or weakness in your limbs, and impaired muscle movement.

Neurological symptoms in the GNM

Neurological symptoms such as the one’s mentioned above come from specific conflicts which affect the motor and sensory cortices in the brain. They occur during the active phase of a conflict. Numbness has to do with a separation conflict. The part of the body that experiences the numbness will lead us to understand the nature and origin of the separation.

If there is a paralysis it is the result of feeling trapped or unable to escape a situation if the legs are affected. If we are unable to hold onto someone or something or we have a DHS while trying to perform a task, our hands or arms will be affected. In the case of Bell’s palsy which affects the face, it is a conflict of being humiliated. Meningitis is the skin surrounding the brain which reacts primarily to what is going on beneath it. When a person is in an important healing phase, the brain can also be affected, hence this inflammatory process.

Hopefully what I have presented here is beginning to make sense that Lymes is not a disease but a mishmash of symptoms that can easily be explained within the context of the Five Biological Laws.

The Iron Rule – Part II

Shortly after Dr. Hamer made his findings public in the early 1980’s a “new disease” was discovered. It was called HIV/ AIDs and it became “epidemic” in the gay community globally.

To really understand how this took place and how it is very much like what is happening now globally, I will make a comparison.

What is happening now is a virtual replay of what was happening in the 1980’s but on a much larger scale.

The main player

In 1984 Dr. Anthony Fauci became the head of NIAID the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the US. His background is in infectious diseases and immunology. Since January 2020 he has been one of President Trump’s lead advisors on the CV-19 “pandemic”.

Fauci was also the person that announced the HIV epidemic in 1984.

Please also remember that Dr. Hamer was creating quite a stir in medical circles in Europe and everyone knew about his discovery.

Testing for viruses

Since the HIV virus was only a suspicion and until now has never been isolated, yes you heard correctly, a suspicion like the COVID-19 virus has also never been isolated contrary to what some researchers say,  a test had to be devised to see if anyone had been infected.

The testing method for HIV was actually patented PRIOR to the announcement of an HIV epidemic in the gay community. It is called the Elisa test which can take many forms and is used to detect various conditions, so it is not very specific as it can be modified.

This form of testing as well as all others cannot detect a virus nor is it efficient in identifying any illness concretely. It is notorious for giving false positive results just like the current COVID-19 testing methods.

Right from the beginning it became apparent that results could change from lab to lab, from week to week, month to month etc. Basically it is unreliable but it is very efficient at frightening the life out of someone that tests positive for HIV.

Please remember, if something has NOT been isolated and identified how can there possibly be an accurate testing method?

Testing for COVID-19

Very much like the testing methods for HIV, the COVID-19 testing method was also patented and in this case long before any “pandemic” was announced. The actual testing kits were already manufactured in 2019 and were ready and waiting to be shipped to China as soon as they announced a pandemic.

Essentially when someone is being tested for CV-19, the same kind of false positive results are experienced and yet people are being encouraged to get tested even though they have no symptoms and feel quite well.

The same thing happened in the 80’s during the so called HIV epidemic. People who were suspicious that they had been “infected” were told to get tested and if they tested positive they were told they had “infectious” HIV which was supposed to be sexually transmitted through blood or semen.

The testing method for CV-19 is called the PCR (Polymeraise Chain Reaction) test which was developed by Kary Mullis in 1984. Mullis himself said that it should NOT be used for diagnosing “infectious diseases”. He actually devised this test to see if it could diagnose lung cancer.

He said the testing method is open to errors which can occur at the very beginning of the procedure when the sample is taken. He thought that during the collection of the sample that it was entirely possible that it was not a virus that was collected but more than likely an “irrelevant piece of debris”, and yet this is the method used to determine the presence of coronavirus.

However in the 80’s it became an effective method of diagnosing the presence or absence of an allergen very much like the Elisa test.


The exosome, discovered 30 years ago is a tiny little particle that is made of a membrane containing proteins and genetic material. Its description is exactly the same as the “particles” that are seen under a microscope that are labeled as viruses.

Is it therefore possible that this is “the debris” Kary Mullis thought what was being passed off as a virus?

Apparently exosomes are manufactured by our own cells and are not from an external source. They have the ability to consume toxins and in fact they protect the cells. They are not and cannot be transmitted from person to person.

Exosomes are released when our cells are poisoned, for example through a flu vaccination, taking antibiotics and when we experience any kind of fear induced stress. They are also produced when we are exposed to constant abnormal levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF’s)!

Let’s face it most of us are exposed to environmental EMF’s day and night depending on how much time we spend on our wireless devices, in front of the TV or near large appliances that generate these kinds of energy fields, it would be quite normal that a PCR test would pick up on these exosomes and because of its unreliability give a reading of false positive.

Treatment for HIV

As a result of being tested positive for HIV, many were encouraged to go on a powerful drug, AZT (Azidothymidine, renamed Zidovudine) which was available since the 60’s as a cancer treatment. In fact it was a chemotherapy drug which was highly toxic. A vaccine never came into the picture and to date 36 years later, there is still no vaccine for HIV.

Unfortunately the fear was so heightened that people were ready to try anything to prolong their lives.

This drug AZT was fast tracked to HIV diagnosed patients without any preliminary testing normally dictated by the FDA. It was made available within a matter of months where other drugs could take up to 10 years of testing before they were made available. In essence HIV was being treated the same way a cancer was treated 20 years earlier.

As the mortality rate rose after a few months of patients being on this “drug trial”, it was not blamed on the cytotoxin (chemotherapy drug). Instead it was blamed on the patient’s compromised immune system from the HIV. After all that’s what AIDs was all about.

COVID-19 vaccine

Right now the same thing is happening with the so called pandemic. Vaccines are being fast tracked in the hopes of having one available for every individual on the planet within the next 5 months with NO trials simply based on the “urgency” generated by a handful of people which happen to be the same people that orchestrated the HIV “epidemic”.

This is highly dangerous given that the ingredients in vaccines are highly toxic. However that topic is for another blog because it is so extensive and involved politically, not to mention the physical repercussions on humans and life as we know it.

Continue to The Iron Rule – Part 3

Regola di ferro del cancro – Parte 2

Poco dopo che il Dr. Hamer rese pubbliche le sue scoperte al inizio degli anni ’80, fu scoperta una “nuova malattia”. Si chiamava HIV / AIDS e divenne “epidemia” nella comunità gay a livello globale.

Per capire davvero come è successo e come è molto simile a ciò che sta accadendo ora a livello globale, farò un paragone.

Ciò che sta accadendo ora è un replay virtuale di ciò che stava accadendo negli anni ’80, ma su una scala molto più ampia.

Il giocatore principale 

Nel 1984 il Dr. Anthony Fauci divenne il capo del NIAID, l’Istituto Nazionale di allergie e malattie infettive negli Stati Uniti. La sua esperienza professionale è nel campo di malattie infettive e immunologia. Dal gennaio 2020 è uno dei principali consiglieri del presidente Trump sulla “pandemia” del CV-19. Fauci fu anche la persona che annunciò l’epidemia di HIV nel 1984. Ricorda anche che il Dr. Hamer stava suscitando grande scalpore nei circoli medici in Europa e tutti sapevano della sua scoperta.

Test per virus

Poiché il virus dell’HIV era solo un sospetto e fino ad ora non è mai stato isolato, sì, hai sentito bene, un sospetto come il virus COVID-19 non è mai stato isolato contrariamente a quanto affermano alcuni ricercatori, un test ha dovuto essere ideato per vedere se qualcuno era stato infettato.

Il metodo di test per l’HIV è stato in realtà brevettato PRECEDENTE per l’annuncio di un’epidemia di HIV nella comunità gay. Si chiama test Elisa che può assumere molte forme e viene utilizzato per rilevare varie condizioni, quindi non è molto specifico in quanto può essere modificato.

Questa forma di test e tutti gli altri non sono in grado di rilevare un virus né è efficace nell’identificare concretamente qualsiasi malattia. È noto per dare risultati falsi positivi proprio come gli attuali metodi di test COVID-19.

Fin dall’inizio è diventato evidente che i risultati potrebbero cambiare da laboratorio a laboratorio, di settimana in settimana, di mese in mese, ecc. Fondamentalmente non è affidabile ma è molto efficace per spaventare la vita di qualcuno che risulta positivo all’HIV.

Ricordatevi, che se qualcosa NON è stato isolato e identificato, come può esserci un metodo di prova per testarlo che sia in alcun modo preciso?

Test per COVID-19 

Molto simile ai metodi di test per l’HIV, anche il metodo di test COVID-19 è stato brevettato e in questo caso molto prima che fosse annunciata una “pandemia”. I kit di test effettivi sono già stati prodotti nel 2019 ed erano pronti e in attesa di essere spediti in Cina non appena hanno annunciato una pandemia.

Fondamentalmente quando qualcuno viene testato per CV-19, si sperimenta lo stesso tipo di risultati falsi positivi e tuttavia le persone sono incoraggiate a fare il test anche se non hanno sintomi e si sentono abbastanza bene. 

La stessa cosa è successa negli anni ’80 durante la cosiddetta epidemia di HIV. Alle persone che erano sospettose di essere state “infettate” è stato detto di sottoporsi al test e se si sono dimostrate positive sono state informate di avere l’HIV “infettivo” che avrebbe dovuto essere trasmesso sessualmente attraverso il sangue o lo sperma. 

Il metodo di prova per CV-19 è chiamato test PCR (Polymeraise Chain Reaction) che è stato sviluppato da Kary Mullis nel 1984. Lo stesso Mullis ha affermato che NON dovrebbe essere usato per diagnosticare “malattie infettive”. In realtà ha ideato questo test per vedere se poteva diagnosticare il cancro ai polmoni.

Ha detto che il metodo di prova è aperto a errori che possono verificarsi all’inizio della procedura quando si preleva il campione. Pensò che durante la raccolta del campione fosse del tutto possibile che non fosse stato raccolto un virus, ma molto probabilmente un “frammento irrilevante”, eppure questo è il metodo usato per determinare la presenza di coronavirus.

Tuttavia negli anni ’80 è diventato un metodo efficace per diagnosticare la presenza o l’assenza di un allergene molto simile al test Elisa.


L’esosoma, scoperto 30 anni fa, è una minuscola particella costituita da una membrana contenente proteine ​​e materiale genetico. La sua descrizione è esattamente la stessa delle “particelle” che si vedono al microscopio etichettate come virus. 

È quindi possibile che si tratti di “detriti” che Kary Mullis pensava a ciò che veniva trasmesso come virus?

Apparentemente gli esosomi sono prodotti dalle nostre stesse cellule e non provengono da una fonte esterna. Hanno la capacità di consumare tossine e infatti proteggono le cellule. Non sono e non possono essere trasmessi da persona a persona. 

Gli esosomi vengono rilasciati quando le nostre cellule vengono avvelenate, ad esempio attraverso una vaccinazione antinfluenzale, prendendo antibiotici e quando sperimentiamo qualsiasi tipo di stress indotto dalla paura. Sono anche prodotti quando siamo esposti a livelli anormali costanti di campi elettromagnetici (EMF)! 

Ammettiamolo, la maggior parte di noi è esposta al giorno e alla notte dei campi elettromagnetici ambientali a seconda di quanto tempo trascorriamo sui nostri dispositivi wireless, davanti alla TV o vicino a grandi apparecchi che generano questo tipo di campi energetici, sarebbe abbastanza normale che un Il test PCR riprenderebbe da questi esosomi e, a causa della sua inaffidabilità, darebbe una lettura di falsi positivi.

Trattamento per l’HIV

Come risultato del test positivo per l’HIV, molti sono stati incoraggiati a prendere un potente farmaco, l’AZT (azidotimidina, ribattezzata Zidovudina) che era disponibile dagli anni ’60 come trattamento per il cancro. In realtà era un farmaco chemioterapico che era altamente tossico. Un vaccino non è mai entrato in scena e ad oggi 36 anni dopo, non esiste ancora un vaccino per l’HIV.

Sfortunatamente la paura era così accentuata che le persone erano pronte a provare qualsiasi cosa per prolungare la propria vita.

Questo farmaco AZT è stato monitorato rapidamente per i pazienti con diagnosi di HIV senza alcun test preliminare normalmente dettato dalla FDA. È stato reso disponibile nel giro di pochi mesi in cui altri farmaci potevano richiedere fino a 10 anni di test prima che fossero resi disponibili. In sostanza, l’HIV veniva trattato nello stesso modo in cui un cancro veniva trattato 20 anni prima.

Dato che il tasso di mortalità è aumentato dopo alcuni mesi di pazienti in questo “studio farmacologico”, non è stato incolpato della citotossina (farmaco chemioterapico). Invece è stato incolpato del sistema immunitario compromesso del paziente dall’HIV. E oviamente, tutto questo è cio che clasificava la malatia di AIDS.

Vaccino contro il covid-19

 In questo momento stanno succedendo le stesse cose con la cosiddetta pandemia. I vaccini vengono seguiti rapidamente nella speranza di averne uno disponibile per ogni individuo sul pianeta entro i prossimi 5 mesi senza NESSUNA sperimentazione, e solo basata semplicemente sull ‘”urgenza” generata da una manciata di persone che sembrano essere le stesse persone che hanno orchestrato 

“l’ epidemia del HIV”. 

Questo è altamente pericoloso dato che gli ingredienti nei vaccini sono altamente tossici. Tuttavia, questo argomento è per un altro blog perché è così vasto e coinvolto politicamente, per non parlare delle ripercussioni fisiche sull’uomo e sulla vita che conosciamo ora.


Parte 3